A few useful GNU/Linux truth tests while creating salt states
linux salt-stack cloud-computing procedures - 📁 snippet
Nothing amazing here, just that in some situations I want to run commands in salt stack only in some situations that should be enforced.
Those tests are written within Salt stack states and YAML, but the test are
plain GNU/Linux tests
Add group additional membership to user
usermod -a -G amavis clamav:
- unless: 'grep "^amavis" /etc/group | grep -q -e clamav'
A similar alternate could also be
usermod -a -G amavis clamav:
- unless: grep -q -e '^amavis.*clamav$' /etc/group
Change ownership on a folder only if its not what we expect
{% for es_folder in [
] %}
chown -R app-user:app-user {{ es_folder }}:
- onlyif: "test `stat -c %G {{ es_folder }}` != app-user"
{% endfor %}