All infrastructure related to WebPlatform Docs is shut down since 2016.
Mentions about SSO and OAuth is still (2020) accessible from the archived
wiki pages.
How to run your own OAuth Identity provider service
webplatform security - 📁 experiments
Generally, we connect our application against a provider so it can share details about a user. Most of the documentation you'll find online explains how to use their service, but very few outlines concisely how it is if you want to be your own provider and share state across applications you also manage.
Documentation would generally allow your third party app to let users use their information from another site such as Facebook, GitHub, Twitter, etc.
But what if you wanted to share information across your web applications in a similar way?
This post is a quick summary of how things works so you can get acquainted with the basics.
Big sites aren't generally one big code repository but a set of separate components. A way to make each component to share your account details is most possibly by making a difference between their own infrastructure and third parties.
If your app were to use an external resource such as Google, the process would end up making Google users to be asked if they really want to share their information with you. This is why they would get a dialog similar to this.
While its OK to ask confirmation from a user if he wants to share his details with an external site, in the case of two components from the same site can share this information transparently.
If you are your own Identity Provider, you can configure your relying parties as "whitelisted" so that your accounts system don't display such dialog.
Becoming your own Identity provider
In the case of we wanted to become our own Identity provider and found that we could deploy our own fork of Firefox Accounts ("FxA") would allow us to do so.
The way its designed is that we have an OAuth protected "profile" endpoint that holds user details (email, full name, etc) as a "source of truth". Each relying party (your own wiki, discussion forum, etc) gathers information from and ensure it has the same information locally.
In order to do so, we have to make a module/plugin for each web application so we it can query and bootstrap users locally based on the accounts system. We call those "relying parties".
Once we have relying party adapter in place, a web app will have the ability to check by itself with the accounts server to see if there's a session for the current browsing session. If it has, it'll give either an already generated OAuth Bearer token, or generate one for the one for the service in question — the "SSO" behavior.
With the OAuth Bearer token in hand, a relying party (i.e. the annotation service) can go read details from the
"profile" endpoint and then check locally if it already has a user available.
If the relying party doesn't have a user, it'll create one.
Each relying party is responsible to sync its local user and session state based on what the accounts service gives.
Seeing in action
Here is a recording I made showing how it looked like;