La dernière fois que j'ai fait mon site c'était en 2007. Comme plusieurs j'était comme un «cordonnier mal chaussé». Je viens de remédier à la situation.
I do not want to say that I am an expert in programming languages, nor a PHP guru. But with my experience in web development and discussions with other community leaders from the Java, Ruby, Python, Javascript communities and with my own working in team, I learned stuff and here's some of what I consider "hot", in the PHP world, ~~right now~~ <ins>in 2012</ins>.
I spent a few days reading and re-reading the Guzzle PHP REST Client library to use at it's best posssible. It took me more time than I wished, but thanks to them, I understood more of the Symfony2 EventDispatcher mechanism. Here I publish the Gist that I am going to use to import to my project at work. Use for your own good.
This is my current, as of July 2012, favourite development environnement configuration files, use it if you want. This is mostly for me when I switch computers.
Imagine we had a system that provides a serialized and filtered transport mechanism of content. Imagine now that we want to get that content, and insert it in a nice and pretty website, and where I am at with this. Imagine that content could be all semantic, valid, accessible html. Without having to teach and manually implementing all the requirements on the rendering part. This is my ambition.
I had to create a relationship with two entities in a project. I am using Twitter Bootstrap markup in my Symfony2 project. This is my notes about how I implemented a re-usable form field that adds dynamic input text using jQuery. This post is an echo on my original Answer attempt on StackOverflow.
Composer sera la nouvelle façon de distribuer des paquets de fonctionnalités (appelés: "Bundle"). La version stable de symfony actuelle (2.0.x) n'utilise pas encore cette méthode de distribution. J'ai pris sur moi de documenter le résultat de ma tentative.